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  1. Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Challenges to Resiliency and Sustainability

    Zoo and Aquarium, Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks, and Ohio Department of Public Safety. For ...

  2. EPN Event Features New Green Columbia Gas HQ

    the network and the public. The cost is $15 if paid by credit card. Find program and parking details ...

  3. Ohio State Hosting Talks on Famous Grizzly Bear, Ted Turner’s Green Impact in West

    Ohio Union   Both events are free and open to the public. Seating is limited, however, and registering ...

  4. Jaeger Lab Current Members

    focusing on severely disturbed and/or urbanized landscapes, either on public or private lands (such as ... practices that uphold the ecological function of an ecosystem while also being accessible to the public ...

  5. Understanding Climate Change Risks and Identifying Opportunities for Mitigation and Adaptation in Ohio

    climate change on agriculture, forests, infrastructure, public health, and Lake Erie from some of Ohio ...

  6. The Glenn Colloquium Series

    Public Affairs.     ...

  7. New Exhibit Showcases History and Role of Forests in Ohio

    is free and open to the public. The gallery is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and ...

  8. 4-H Publication Website Closed for 2 Weeks

    If you haven't bought your project books from our offices or through the website yet, you will need to do so before June 14!  The website and all ordering will be shut down for 2 weeks, so don't want until the last m ...

  9. Media Advisory: CFAES Experts Available to Speak on Avian Flu

    medicine, veterinary public health, and epidemiology. He leads large applied field research projects ...

  10. National Invasive Species Awareness Week

    Extension/Outreach program has a number of publications and factsheets on their website you can access to learn more ...
