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  1. Events Calendar

    drinking water safe, address public health concerns, and engage stakeholders in the process to reduce and ...

  2. Better Process Control School

    prevent public health problems in low-acid and acidified low-acid canned foods. All processors of these ...

  3. Host Resistance to soybean diseases – the best return on investment

    a public breeder – they are not quite ready for “prime time” but the genetics are on the way to keep ... improving soybean varieties.  A major contribution to soybean development from the public land grants has ... heavy flooding and disease pressure, several of the new public varieties had significantly higher yields ...

  4. Farm Science Review 2016: Last Minute Reminders

    public parking lot on the east side of the exhibit area. We can talk about weeds, insects or disease; ...

  5. Genetically Modified Organisms

    Need grain tested for GMO's? The following is a list of some public and private labs that ...

  6. Registration Now Open for July 12 Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    public, but organizers require registration by July 1. Register by contacting Bennett at 937-440-3944 or ...

  7. Corn Emergence and Heat Unit Accumulation

    According to USDA/NASS estimates ( ...

  8. Beck's Hybrids donates $1 million to support Field to Faucet, Farm Science Review

    accompanying photo at right with Beck's Public Relations Director Bruce Kettler, a college alum, and Dean ...

  9. Small Grain Field Day-Wood County

    4240 Range Line Road, in Custar. The event is free and open to the public. The program will include ...

  10. Events Calendar

    Science Cafe invites the public for lively conversation and insights on current science topics- all in ...
