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  1. Grants & Funding

    as public schools and libraries. Ohio Environmental Education Fund The Ohio Environmental Protection ... education projects in Ohio that target the general public, specific communities regulated by the Ohio EPA, ... communicate effectively with the public and policy-makers, and contribute to the federal policymaking process. ...

  2. $2M grant awards to fund two meaningful aquaculture projects

    their quality research and publications, plus the support of other teams and supporting staff at South Centers. ...

  3. Jeff Firkins 2022-2023 Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award Recipient and Maurice Eastridge 2022-2023 Distinguished Extension Faculty Award Recipient

    publications and presentations, he has about 160 journal articles and reviews and about 200 invited ... Challenge, and is editor of the bi-monthly publication, Buckeye Dairy News. ...

  4. FCS Professional Development Day

    through each part of the curriculum: publicity, instructor resources, lesson plans/PowerPoints, ...

  5. Extension Today: Farm Science Review

    professionals and the general public can learn SO much with a day trip to FSR, as it is fondly known. FSR is hosted ... livestock and crops. FSR is open to the public: If you are not in the ag industry, but want to learn more ...

  6. 4-H Provides Life and Leadership Skills

    Public Speaking 4-H Project Learning Engaging Older Youth in 4-H Club Work Leading Recreation at a 4-H ...

  7. Co-curricular Teams

    quiz bowl, public presentation, and written exam. The winning quadrathlon team represents The Ohio ...

  8. Poultry Science Club

    – TBD Vice President – TBD Secretary – TBD Treasurer – TBD Public Relations –TBD CFAES Representative ...

  9. 2023 National Health Outreach Conference

    transformation, social determinants of health, racism as a public health issue, coalition development, global ...

  10. Comprehensive Approach to Food Safety

    though public policy. Prereq: Micrbiol 509 or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 830.10, FdScTe ...
