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  1. Spring Gardening Basics Class

    open to the public but does require registration (so they know how many snacks to make!) so bring your ...

  2. Gift cements collaborative alliance in wetland, waterfowl, and wildlife ecology

    the public on their value and importance to society. “Science-based, adaptive wildlife management ...

  3. Publications

    Articles, Books and Book Chapters   ...

  4. ASC Science Sundays- "Climate change in Ohio: What should you do?"

    motivates and constrains different land use and land management decisions on private and public lands. ... Science Sundays is a free lecture series open to the public that provides a wide range of current and ...

  5. Graduate student awarded a NSF Dissertation grant to study conservation decision-making

    Louis before completing a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the University of Washington. Her ...

  6. Franklin County Fair

    / Horticulture / Shooting Sports   Companion Animal  Public Speaking   Creative Expressions Clothing  2024 ...

  7. May 15, 2024- New Applicator Training- In Person

    non-agricultural lands, such as roadways, public water courses, utility rights-of-way, or in close proximity to ...

  8. Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)

    sap that makes the skin sensitive to ultra violet light which is a public health hazard. Large watery ...

  9. Rural and Environmental Sociology

    research and develop sociological theory and knowledge relevant to public policy and local development ... poverty, agriculture and food systems, environmental sociology, domestic rural development, public policy ... Communications  Economics  Geography  International and area studies  Public affairs  Social work  Sociology  ...

  10. Funding awarded to study trust in food, energy, and water consumption feedback

    regarding the use of aluminum in automotive manufacturing. Additionally, he has explored public perception ...
