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  1. Help Requested: Hayes Forum Judges Needed or Session Cancellation Imminent

    facilitates fruitful exchanges between students, faculty, the administration, and the public. This year, ...

  2. Trish Raridan Preston

    a focus on sustainable agriculture and public policy, both from The Ohio State University. ...

  3. Chrysalis Undergraduate Club

    activities at public events. Club activities may include field trips to collect insects for research, and ...

  4. Careers

    as well as careers in plant health management, public health (including the Armed Forces), research ... wildlife that live there. State, County, and City Departments of Health: Public health pests are of concern ... and which chemical to spray as they evaluate potential public health threats. Extension Services: ...

  5. Degree Options

    a communication campaign, an online website, an educational video, a magazine/publication, a multimedia package, ... survey, a communication campaign, an online website, an educational video, a magazine/publication ...

  6. Graduate Student Theses | Final Projects | Next Steps

    applying to continue her studies on mosquitos in public health or medical entomology PhD programs and will ...

  7. Kayla I. Perry

    Kayla I. Perry Publications Perry, KI, CB Riley, F Fan, J Radl, DA Herms, and MM Gardiner. 2022. ... most recently was a postdoctoral research associate at Kent State University.  Publications Perry, KI, ...

  8. ACEL students receive national project awards

    with her entry “Game Faces On.” Other categories in the competition include writing, publication ... , electronic media and public relations.  The chapter had not recently participated in the national contest, ...

  9. Rodriguez recipient of USDA best early-career teacher honors

    Sciences “Early Career” Award at the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) annual ...

  10. Celeste Welty

      Recent Extension Publications 1a (current). Beckerman, J., Bessin, R., Strang, J., Welty, C., ...
