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  1. Uranium

    levels that are low enough to not be considered a public health concern. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who ...

  2. Jafar Olimov – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    both secret and public reserve prices in this marketplace. Additionally, he examines why so many items ...

  3. Swank Program Piece in The Conversation: How Should the U.S. Government Help Coal Communities?

    investing in basic infrastructure, such as road maintenance, public schools and health care. By making ...

  4. New Ohio Sea Grant Project Helps Determine Lake Erie's Value to Its Residents

    This article was originally published in the Winter 2014 issue of  Twine Line, a publication of ...

  5. Communiqué May 25, 2011

    to the public. We were able to confirm that an Excel spreadsheet containing the names and social ... presentation server is designed to be available to the public (it allows faculty, students, and others to view ... was removed from the server, and we verified that the data is no longer accessible by the public. This ...

  6. Communiqué January 10, 2011

    and academic programs; private and public university representatives; K-12 educators; community ... services- running the risk of reducing public value, leading to further budget cuts. Other states are exploring ways ... delivery. Will these structural changes increase Extension’s public value and stabilize its funding? Five ...

  7. Faculty and Students Head to Washington D.C. for the Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

    between AEDE’s faculty and students and their peers working in the academic, public and private sectors. ...

  8. The Faces of AEDE: Nicholas Rettig, AEDE Undergraduate Student in Agribusiness and Applied Economics

    I really enjoy his course Public Policy Analysis (AEDE 4003), which I am currently taking.   I have also ...

  9. What’s the Value of an Agricultural Economics Degree? The Answer: a 98.7% Chance that You’ll have a Job after Graduation

    alumni who graduated from a large Midwestern public university during the period of 1982 to 2006, the ...

  10. Communiqué June 6, 2012

    remember, anyone may participate in sessions of their interest that are listed in Learn. The public may sign ...
