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2015-2016 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Series
meetings, which are open to the public, will be held on the following dates: Dec. 16, 4 p.m., at the Attica ...
Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Oct. 16
Amendment Public House, 150 W. Liberty St., Wooster. Ohio State University Extension Wildlife Specialist ...
Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Aug. 22
Michael Specter, New Yorker staff writer covering science, technology and public health issues. ...
Beta/photon emitters
to not be considered a public health concern. A Beta photon emitter is a type of atom that is ...
Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Feb. 2
in educating the public about the local consequences of global climate change. Free. Information: ...
Research by Brian Roe Examines How Well Farmers Tolerate Risk in Comparison to Other Sectors
In the most recent issue of Choices, a publication of the Agricultural & Applied Economics ...
Brent Sohngen Serves as Co-Author for Forestry Chapter of the U.S. National Climate Assessment Report
Assessment is in a draft stage and was recently opened for expert review and public comment. A copy of the ...
Long-term Global Agricultural Output Supply-Demand Balance and Real Farm and Food Prices
increase in public and in private agricultural research and development spending. The world will not have ...
Scholarship Donors Offer Students the Opportunity to Study Sustainability on Andros Island
knowledge and skills students need to launch a career in sustainability in the private, public or non-profit ...
Combined radium
to not be considered a public health concern. Radium is a radioactive element that is relatively ...