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  1. Ohio 4-H Conference Volunteer Award Winners – Part 2

    rabbit-related events and publications. She contributed pictures and information to rabbit handling and ...

  2. EPN Student Spotlight

    connections formed throughout the course. Katie plans to pursue a career in public environmental education ...

  3. Pesticide and Fertilizer License Information

    commercial license area also includes applicators who work for a government or public agency such as a K-12 ... apply to sites accessible to the public and private companies such as landscapers and lawncare services. ...

  4. Faces of Ohio

    public speaking. I was able to learn new skills and information that were not available in a school ...

  5. 4-H royalty at Ohio State

    attributes her passion, ambition, confidence, and public speaking abilities to 4-H. Without 4-H, she doesn’t ...

  6. Blueprint Columbus: Clean Streams, Strong Neighborhoods

    Presenters Susan Ashbrook (Columbus Dept. of Public Utilities), Dax Blake (Columbus Dept. of ... Public Utilities), Kathleen Smith (ARCADIS) Water EPN Breakfast ...

  7. Calendar of events

    support the mission of 4-H. Open to the public, no entry fee. For more information, email ...

  8. Sustainable Investing: Decarbonizing portfolios and financing green development

    career in broadcast journalism and public relations. She is a graduate of the former Briarwood College in ...

  9. Faces of Ohio

    eventual career in public relations. “My year as the Ohio Fairs’ Queen led me to pursue a degree in ...

  10. Down on the farm

    an event with the Dover Public Library to introduce youth to 4-H and farm animals. When the pandemic ... their public-speaking skills and promote 4-H to families.” You can go down on the farm, too and view ...
