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Tail Docking of Dairy Cattle: Is it beneficial or a welfare issue?
using a rubber ring, no positive benefits to the cows have been identified, and potential long-term ...
Don't Forget Quality Assurance While Preparing for Summer Fairs and Shows
cause discomfort for the cow, increases the risk of mastitis, and displays a poor image for the public ... forth a good view for the public. 3. Have an educational exhibit. Sometimes a county or state fair is ... are great tools to educate the general public. The display does not have to be elaborate and should be ...
Northwest Ohio Green Industry Summer Session
public. Hazardous Algae Blooms, Eugene Braig, OSU Have your clients, or your client’s neighbors, asked you ... and ways to explain this to the public. Session #2 1:00 pm-2:00 pm MGV, OCVN, OCNT, Session ...
Dairy Educational Forum and Open House
research on Jersey cattle and provide an opportunity for the public to view the high quality dairy cattle ...
Should I Sell My Development Rights?
trust) or to a public entity such as a park district, township, county, state or federal agency. Can ... sell their development rights to a public entity that holds a "conservation easement." But no ... The Medina County issue will be the first test in Ohio to see if the public is willing to pay their ...
Effective Employee Management
to improve or expand their skill set. Playing the blame game: Good managers do not publicly shame or ...
Information on the Environmental Protection Agency Air Quality Program
from the "Farm Machinery Cost Estimates for 2005" publication. See the full publication and ...
Information on the Environmental Protection Agency Air Quality Program
The Agreement was published in the Federal Register on January 31, 2005. The EPA solicited public ...
Appointment of Laurie Winkelman
writer for Hoard's Dairyman, and she helped to develop the dairy youth ethics publication "The ...
Ohio State Collegiate Dairy Judging Team Competes at the North American International Livestock Exposition
making, and public speaking. ...