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  1. Grants & Funding

    as public schools and libraries. Ohio Environmental Education Fund The Ohio Environmental Protection ... education projects in Ohio that target the general public, specific communities regulated by the Ohio EPA, ... communicate effectively with the public and policy-makers, and contribute to the federal policymaking process. ...

  2. Calendar of Events

    Fairgrounds this summer. The event is open to the public and a variety of crafts, tack, antiques, and other ...

  3. Drones for Spraying Pesticides- Part 2: Opportunities and Challenges

    general public is “drone”. So, I chose the same name as I refer to this type of aircraft. An article ... is in new OSU Extension Publication An important topic that is not covered in this article in detail ... are given in a new Ohio State University Extension Publication FABE-540 entitled “Drones for Spraying ...

  4. Master Gardener Volunteers

    questions from the public; conducting plant clinics; gardening activities with children, senior citizens, or ...

  5. How Do I Become a Master Gardener?

    completing 20 additional hours of public service and 10 hours of advanced educational training each year. ... Only unpaid public service in Ohio State University Extension-sponsored activities count toward the ...

  6. About SNAP-Ed

    disseminates educational information through public service announcements, basic food and nutrition ...

  7. Support Us

    while learning about specific subjects from animals to computers, from public speaking to cooking, and ...

  8. SNAP-Ed

    status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance ...

  9. Calendar of Events

    Sale at the Ashtabula County Fairgrounds this summer. The event is open to the public and a variety of ...

  10. Becoming a Certified Crop Adviser and OSU Extension Online Exam Prep Course

    statutes. Through certification, you tell your clients, employer, and the public you have gone above and ...
