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  1. Cooking with Herbs

    flavor and health benefits of using herbs. This program will be held at the Pickerington Public Library. ...

  2. Healthy Meal Planning for Busy Families

    variety into your meal plans. This program will be held at the Pickerington Public Library. It is a free ...

  3. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Ohio AgrAbility workshops and exhibits at the 2018 Farm Science Review

    disabilities? If it is open to the public, it needs to be accessible. Come learn why and how to make sure your ...

  4. Agricultural Equipment

    What are the chances that you will be involved in a farm machinery collision on a public road? ...

  5. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Public Library's Facebook page at Print  this ...

  6. ESS Lab Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Recent publications in peer-reviewed journal, by members of the ESS lab. Publications by members ... Policy. Journal of European Public Policy 21(2): 248-267 DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2013.834070 Carlton, J.S., ... forest landowners. Journal of Forestry 112(1). DOI: 10.5849/jof.13-054   Publications from previous years ...

  7. Mosquito Control Can = Disease Prevention

    concern for Ohioans, malaria remains one of the most severe public health problems worldwide that’s spread ... in fact, as recent as early in June 2017 Franklin County Public Health officials reported finding ...

  8. Is Your Summer Event Welcoming and Accessible to People with Disabilities?

    is open to the public, it must be accessible to people with disabilities. The American’s with ... welcomes everyone. Parking When parking is provided for the public, accessible parking spaces must be ... about making temporary events accessible, go to For ...

  9. SMV Celebrates 50 Years

    University in the early 60's. In 1963 this emblem was dedicated to the public by the OSU President ... horse-drawn vehicles warning the motoring public of a Slow Moving Vehicle! For more information check out: ...

  10. Youth Livestock Judging Team Informational Meeting

    and further developing their public speaking skills. Why is livestock judging important? Enhances ... decision making capabilities Oral reasons provide the framework for public speaking skills Builds ...
