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  1. AEDE GSA's Pints and Presentations

    analysis, publication, and transparency in applied economics”.   This paper was just published in December ...

  2. Samson Girma

    Samson Girma Fellow Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) Samson Girma is an ... expert in the field of public health microbiology and has extensive experience and training in laboratory ... diagnostic, food, and drinking water microbiology at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Food and Nutrition ...

  3. Approved Curricula Links Teaching Nutrition through Family and Consumer Sciences, Wisconsin Department of Public ...

  4. Research

    actively support informed public and private decision-making through inter and cross-disciplinary ...

  5. AEDE grad Ken Davis selected for CFAES Professional Achievement Award

    public an opportunity to meet agricultural professionals and learn how technology is used in modern ...

  6. Elena Irwin honored as Food Systems Leadership Institute Fellow

    Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU).  The Fellows were recognized for their ... change from their current positions.   The FSLI is a program of the Association of Public and Land Grant ...

  7. Endowed Programs

    outreach in the area of international trade an public policy. Dr. Ian Sheldon was initially appointed ...

  8. Columbus Metropolitan Club Presents: Food Distribution: Reliable Yet Fragile

    Development Economics Jack Irvin, Vice President of Public Policy, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation Jeff Poor, VP ...

  9. The Status and Changing Face of Ohio Agriculture

    the U.S. Census of Agriculture and multiple public sources to understand long-term trends in Ohio. ...

  10. OSU Economist: GM Crops have had an Impact on Agricultural Productivity, Could Offer Solutions for Global Food Security

    important issue for public debate,” noted Sheldon, who is a professor in the Department of Agricultural, ... agricultural economists Julian Alston and Philip Pardey report in a recent article that public expenditure on ... nutrition research. Meanwhile, developing economies have increased their public expenditure on agricultural ...
