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  1. Saturated Soils Could Pose Risk to Well Water

    Technology Learning Lab website, and on Extension's website, ...

  2. Extension Publication Teaches Importance of Animal Health and Safety

    The publication covers controlling external biosecurity sources, such as the movement of animals, ...

  3. Ohio State, Iceland's University and Soil Service Sign Cooperation Agreements

    warming, land restoration and green energy. Ohio State awarded Grímsson an honorary doctorate for public ...

  4. Germplasm Center Reviving Old-Style Petunias

    not uncommon, but what makes these so special is that they haven't been in the public eye for ...

  5. Field Day to Focus on Drought Situation

    utilization under drought-stressed situations. The field day is free and open to the public. Free refreshments ...

  6. French Scientists to Speak on Water Runoff, Soil Erosion, New Role-playing Conservation Game March 29

    (AMP) will present a free public lecture, "Surface Water Runoff and Soil Erosion Research in Upper ...

  7. Ohio Master Gardeners Look to the Future

    horticulture and gardening. Such tours will include visits to rural areas in Wayne and Holmes Counties, public ...

  8. Ohio State Anaerobic Digestion Technology Now Being Commercialized

    the public good and the economic prosperity of Ohio," OARDC Director Steve Slack said. The  i AD ...

  9. What to Do With That Shoebox Full of Old Batteries: Recycling Returns to Wooster Green Fair

    Reuse. Recycle.” Admission to the fair is free and open to the public. Hours are 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Covert ...

  10. Family Fundamentals: Buying home? Get answers with new guidebook (May 2012)

    publication (Bulletin 946) is available from county offices of OSU Extension and online from OSU Extension’s ...
