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  1. Environmental Science Student Symposium Is Wednesday at Ohio State

    High St., in Columbus. Admission is free and open to the public. This is the fifth year that Ohio State ...

  2. Speakers to Look at LEED, New 'Sustainable Sites Initiative'

    program of the Environmental Professionals Network (EPN). The event, which is open to the public, runs ...

  3. Sara Kennedy's Graduate Defense Seminar

    capacities. Varied public opinions of both species present additional challenges. To develop better estimates ...

  4. Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    and open to the public, but organizers require registration by July 1. Register by contacting Bennett ...

  5. Bobwhites in the Contemporary Midwestern Landscape: Aardvarks in Arcadia, or Canaries in the Coal Mine?

    the Glenn Colloquium Series at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs. For more information, ...

  6. Steve Culman Joins Faculty as Assistant Professor in Soil Fertility

    especially, as he notes, “in light of the growing public interest in water quality and nutrient management in ...

  7. Dr. M. Sanjayan: "Earth and People – Lessons in Living Together, Preserving our Present and Enriching our Future"

    Public Media and EPN/SENR will be jointly promoting Big Blue Live and the Sanjayan event February 11th. ...

  8. ‘We’re Downright Obsessive’ About Energy Efficiency. Hear How You Can Be, Too

    event is open to both members of the network and the public. Registration is $10, includes breakfast and ...

  9. Kennedy Thesis

    ecological carrying capacities. Varied public opinions of both species present additional challenges. ...

  10. TWEL Laura Binkley Thesis

    study is to provide information that will inform the public about the hazards associated with resident ...
