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  1. Zhang Named a 2014 Ohio State Presidential Fellow

    management, ecosystem services and public policy in his studies at Ohio State. Zhang will use the fellowship ...

  2. AEDE Participation in 5th Annual Midwest Graduate Student Summit on RPHE Economics

    Subsidies for Public Hospitals in Columbia.” Yu Zhang, AEDE master student, presented his paper, “Where do ...

  3. A Latent Class Analysis of Farmer Preferences Regarding Filter Strip Programs

    variable for whether the program was considered the best. This event is open to the public and no RSVP is ...

  4. Protecting Income Over Feed Cost Margin on U.S. Dairy Farms

    characterized by low feed prices and very stable milk prices supported through an active public stock-holding ... by the dairy industry in the United States.  These include a quasi-private-public insurance product ... the past decade.  This has led to an increased focus on providing, whether private or public, more ...

  5. New Undergraduate Program in Sustainability Surpasses Enrollment Expectations

    students need to launch a career in sustainability in the private, public or non-profit sectors. During the ... Studies; Center for Resilience; John Glenn School of Public Affairs; and the President’s and Provost’s ...

  6. Results of Dairy Skillathon and Dairy Judging Clinics at Ohio State Fair

    publications: A new bulletin board outside of my office also helps to tell the ...

  7. Dairy Farm Labor

    A (Publication 51), Agricultural Employers Tax Guide, Rev. January 2003. State & School District Income Taxes ... Agribusiness/Farm Management and Bernie Erven publications) Agr. Business Enhancement Center, ...

  8. The Laws and Politics of Markets: A Case Study of Food in India

    marketplace mediated by new legal and extralegal rules. This event is open to the public and no RSVP is ...

  9. Improved Information in Support of a National Strategy for Open Land Policies: A Review of Literature and Report on Research in Progress

    increasingly attracting the public interest in the United States. By Lawrence Libby Policy brief Sunday, August ...

  10. Ohio State Economists to Discuss Sustainable Development at Conference with Jeffrey Sachs

    open to the public. The conference is offered by the Ohio State University Center for Ethics and Human ...
