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  1. Why Rural Crime Counts

    The Glenn Colloquium Series at The John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State ...

  2. The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon Contracts with the University of Rio Grande

    TV station.  This public access TV Program broadcasts under the Time Warner cable system using the ... public educational channels.  With the addition of the public access channel 17 broadcast, viewers from ... 2015, it is the goal of the OSU-RIO Collaborative to distribute completed shows to other public access ...

  3. Corn Silage Harvest Preparation

    collect seepage from silage.  This leachate must not enter any waterway, or public body of water.  For ...

  4. SENR Seminar Series

    captive collection over the longer term.  Finally, we built public support in Panama for amphibian ... conservation through 2 public exhibitions of amphibians, coordinating annual golden frog day celebrations ...

  5. 2015 Poultry Resource Handbook Not Available

    completed until Fall 2015. The author had some health issue and could not complete the book for publication ...

  6. Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS) Program Student Gathering

    sustainability in the private, public or non-profit sectors. EEDS is a joint major between the School of ... and Regional Planning; International Studies; Center for Resilience; John Glenn School of Public Affairs; and ...

  7. Interdisciplinary Approaches and Energy Research

    Public Policy with a joint appointment in engineering. Dr. Schuitema holds a joint appointment in ...

  8. TV Weathercasters as Climate Educators: Making the Global Local

    weathercasters can indeed play an important role in educating the public about the local consequences of a global ... conducts research on public engagement in climate change, and co-chaired the Engagement & Communication ...

  9. Kathleen Rose Graduate Defense Seminar

    Substantial research has demonstrated consistent public support for the use of prescribed fires in fuels ... reduction efforts.  However, continuing and significant public concern regarding smoke emissions and ... negative air quality impacts remains and has the potential to negatively influence public acceptance of ...

  10. Turning Green

    a non-profit this summer, rather than what the public sees daily. How did this affect your career goals? I was ...
