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  1. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2008

    others. The rates reported in this publication are based on survey results from 205 Ohio farmers, custom ...

  2. Intra-industry Trade between Brazil and OECD Countries: Decomposition and Its Main Determinants

    trade, corroborating the central hypothesis of Falvey and Kierzkowski. This event is open to the public ...

  3. Do All Types of Community Forest Management Projects Actually Protect Forests? Evidence from Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve

    to the public and RSVPs are not required. If you have any questions, please contact us.  Post-Seminar ...

  4. The AEDE Graduate Program Welcomes 30 New Students for the Autumn 2012 Semester – Hear From Three Students Why They Chose to Study at AEDE

    academic studies and work in the private, public and nonprofit sectors. Three new students to the program ... has always had an interest in the economics of public policy and was particularly drawn to the AEDE ... program, Irwin was exposed to a wide range of public, private and nonprofit sector opportunities in the ...

  5. With or Without Siblings: Sorting into Competition in the Experimental Chinese Labor Market

    their comparatively equivalent counterpart. This event is open to the public and RSVPs are not required. ...

  6. For Students at Ohio State Wetland, New Meaning to Swamped by Classes

    are open to the public, including to other Ohio State students and faculty and staff, from dawn to ...

  7. December Newsletter

    knowledge to teach the general public about the value of trees in the landscape. As an example of how this ...

  8. Ohio State’s First Green Roof Makes Debut

    Martha Filipic COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio State University’s first publicly accessible green roof is ...

  9. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2012

    custom work customer to the custom work provider. The custom rates reported in this publication are based ...

  10. Publications

    H.A. (2016). Maintaining public goods: The capitalized value of local park renovations. Land Economics, ...
