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public rubber

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  1. Food is Health: My Path to Nutrition and Public Health

    By: Samantha Cochrane Food has always been a major part of my life. Like many people, some of my first memories involve the foods I was eating in those moments. From enjoying piles of oven-baked dinosaur chicken nuggets and tater tots at home, to spending ...

  2. Stakeholder-Centered Risk Ranking Workshop Builds Consensus and Sets Priorities for Food Safety Research in Kenyan Poultry

    designed to help decision-makers rank the public health risk posed by foodborne hazards in their countries. ... of food science and technology at The Ohio State University. “We rank the risks based on public ...

  3. Larry Phelan

    Larry Phelan Some recent publications: Kim, Y. N., Basta, N. T., Gardiner, M. M., and Phelan, P. ... 2019. Publications: Oliveira, N.C., Phelan, P.L., Labate, C.A., Cônsoli, F.L. 2022. Non-targeted ...

  4. From the Chair, Jamie Strange, PhD

    in CFAES. Our position will focus on urban insect ecology, specifically with insects of public health ...

  5. Graduate Transfer Credit

    (public) university in Ohio or a community college?  When ordering a transcript from your prior school, ...

  6. David Lankitus

    program, a science communication and public outreach program for plant science researchers at OSU, and is ...

  7. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    Type IV latex allergy sufferers, and a traditional Hevea (“hee-vee-uh”) rubber tree latex film that is ... natural rubber latex gloves over synthetic ones because they’re stronger, have more tactile sensitivity, ... guayule trials in southern Ohio. Aim: Developing a new domestic rubber- and latex-producing crop, and with ...

  8. Simon Rice House

    CFAES Wooster Campus Public Safety. ...

  9. OARDC scientists nab national honors; have ‘positive impact on society’

    health, one on alternative rubber production. In December, Ken Lee  (right), professor in the Department ... health, sustainable rubber Lee, who specializes in innovative ways to improve the human condition through ... developing new, more sustainable sources of natural rubber, holds the Endowed Chair in Bio-based Emergent ...

  10. Agricultural Operations Department Office

    Ohio that serve the general interest of the public by supporting the University's three land grant ...
