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Western Lake Erie Basin Conservation Practices Public Input Meeting (online)
a public input meeting regarding on-farm conservation practices. This webinar is aimed toward farmers in ...
Upcoming Western Lake Erie Basin Conservation Practices Public Input Meeting
Join OSU Extension’s Water Quality Associates on Tuesday, February 22 nd from 10-11AM for a public ...
From the Chair, Jamie Strange, PhD
in CFAES. Our position will focus on urban insect ecology, specifically with insects of public health ...
Why Should You Calibrate Your Sprayer Even If it has a Rate Controller?
publication FABE-520 for an easy method to calibrate a boom-type sprayer. Here is the URL for this ... publication: http:// Drift; spray; pesticide application ...
Warner On-Farm Research Proposals Being Accepted
consumption. Research is intended to identify and publicize sustainable agricultural practices and systems that ...
Tenth Anniversary of Dairy Palooza
champions in all our publicity and the fact that complimentary halters and souvenir t-shirts were also ...
Graduate Transfer Credit
(public) university in Ohio or a community college? When ordering a transcript from your prior school, ...
CTTC Update – Masks Optional, Early Bird Registration Through March 1
University has indicated that masks are now optional in public indoor spaces on the ONU campus which includes ...
Happy Retirement to Dianne Shoemaker
publications, her work has reached far beyond the borders of Ohio agriculture. Dianne has been recognized by her ...
Pilot Plant, Research Advancements Help Drive Domestic Natural Rubber Project Forward
a variety of other latex and rubber products. This is nothing new in a town and region historically known ... for rubber manufacturing. What's different about the facility is the source of its natural ... rubber: plants grown in the United States rather than the Southeast Asian trees that currently provide all ...