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public rubber

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  1. July 2017 Highlights

    public media, Reader’s Digest, U.K. Daily Mail, the Daily Beast, U.K. Express, NewBeauty Magazine, ... features the researcher profile of FST's Dr. Yael Vodovotz. Ohio State public health student Igor ...

  2. March 2020 Highlights

    prevent public health problems in low-acid and acidified low-acid canned foods. Nominations are open for ...

  3. August 2019 Highlights

    assessment and risk ranking short course from EPHI (Ethiopian Public Health Institute) and the GOHI OSU ... take place from 4-5 pm in Parker 118 each week and is open to the public. Upcoming Events: September 4  ...

  4. Farmer’s Tax Guide

    IRS publication 225, Farmer’s Tax Guide for use in preparing 2015 returns is now available for ... free at the Wayne County Extension office.  The publication explains how the federal tax laws apply to ...

  5. How adding green tea extract to prepared foods may reduce the risk for norovirus

    sanitizers and antimicrobial agents,” he said. “However, because it has public health concerns and has been ...

  6. ‘Tis The Season For Salsa

    be peeled or not. If you are adding peppers, be sure to use rubber gloves and be aware that not doing ...

  7. Beef Quality Assurance Training at Creston

    but now the businesses who are supplying the public’s demand for a quality beef product raised in ... Demonstrates commitment to food safety and quality. Safeguards the public image of the dairy industry. Upholds ...

  8. COVID-19 and Fresh Produce

    have become priority, and the repercussions of “being in public” have changed in a way that few of us ...

  9. Tank Mixing Pesticides

    their sprayer water.  Purdue Extension has a good publication entitled The Impact of Water Quality on ...

  10. Direct Marketing of Meat

    products (including cattle, hogs, sheep, and goats) to the public, producers must have their animals ...
