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public rubber

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  1. Two CFAES Research Teams Creating Startups

    team is producing a non-allergenic, high-performance natural rubber alternative. Bio-Pioneers, led by ...

  2. CFAES names its inaugural Distinguished Professors

    college, university, and/or the public.  The honorees include environmental economist Elena Irwin, plant ...

  3. Save the date! Secrest Welcome Center open house

      Saturday, 5/11      9:00am-1:00pm              Public Open House & Plant Discovery Day –  featuring ... spring plant sale, public open house, Whiz Bang Science and food trucks!     ...

  4. Cornish named NAI Fellow

    natural rubber sources and applications. Her issued and pending patents span a range of fields, including ...

  5. Hiring Pause through June 30

       Law enforcement and public safety     Hospitals and health services     Child care for children of ... positions that are deemed necessary to meet medical center, public safety and critical operating functions ...

  6. Alumni in the news

    Cincinnati Public Schools looks at agricultural education as a pathway to wide-open job market Frank Burkett  ... Horticulture 2011-  Public service? Officials consider adding farmers to loan forgiveness program Roger High  ... named health commissioner at Richland Public Health Mike Kocher  ASC Livestock Production & ...

  7. Global Climate Change Updated Fact Sheet on Ohioline

    publication, Blaine examines the history of earth's climate, temperature changes, implications of global ...

  8. Leadership Development Programs

    of a productive relationship with citizens and why it is the responsibility of those holding public ... surroundings, techniques that encourage attendance and productive participation, requirements of a public ... meeting and the difference between a public meeting and public hearing. While the focus in on how public ...

  9. CD Wire- November 2, 2020

    I serve as Chair of Public Outreach and Education on the Cuyahoga River AOC Advisory Committee, for which ... about the AOC to the public and bring the needs of the public to the attention of the advisory ... public and prepare residents for storm hazards that have caused severe damage in the past, such as ...

  10. CD Wire- May 24, 2021

    download instructions in the Teaching and Learning Resource Center.  Read more. Articles/Publications of ...
