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  1. Certified Angus Beef Opportunities

    will fill  three  positions: one communications intern; one public relations + communications intern; ...

  2. COVID response updates

    planners, coordinators and public health advisors may have. We will also relax restrictions on food and ...

  3. Increasing our Vaccination Rate

    vaccination rate. To support our public health efforts, we are asking students, faculty and staff to ... emphasize the importance of good data to inform our public health response: Faculty and staff can report ...

  4. Burpees for Vets challenge

    recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity as described in the Internal Revenue Code Sections 501(c)(3), ...

  5. Animal Health, Zoonoses, and Food Safety

    Immunologist Food Safety Specialist Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Specialist One Health and Public ... public health issues, sustainable animal agriculture, and more. Programs of graduate study leading to the ... present their work at scientific meetings and publish their results in peer-reviewed publications. CFAH ...

  6. Applications open for 2021 Engagement Impact Grants

    or exhibits; development of a public policy document or report; or support for team to develop ... a grant proposal or finalize a manuscript for publication submission. The application deadline is  April ...

  7. Lisa Bielke Receives the Evonik Corporation Award for Achievement in Poultry Science

    include scientific relevance, major findings, publications, patents, applicability of findings, adoption ...

  8. Dairy Research Position

    effectively manage multiple projects Enthusiasm for engagement with students and the public in a variety of ...

  9. University of Arkansas- Animal Science Graduate Research

    collection, program implementation, animal husbandry, data analyses, technical writing and public speaking. ... needs. Scholarly activity resulting in peer reviewed publications and presentations is required. This ... analyses, technical writing and public speaking. Teaching undergraduate courses in animal science may also ...

  10. Cameron S. White

    Council, public relations chair | Animal Sciences Academic Affairs Committee, student representative ...
