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  1. Advancements in Technology for Reduction of Pesticides Used in Orchards and Vineyards

    University Extension publication “Best Practices for Effective Spraying in Orchards and Vineyards” ... ( Here is a summary of some key recommendations from that publication and some final ... Wear protective clothing, goggles, rubber gloves, and respirators as recommended on the product’s label ...

  2. Disinfection in On-Farm Biosecurity Procedures

    highly caustic. Use protective rubber clothing, gloves and safety glasses. WARNING: Always add the lye to ... as it comes from the bottle. This concentration would damage clothing, shoes and rubber goods, and is ... irritating and can be harmful to clothing, rubber goods and some metals. Some of the newer chlorine-based ...

  3. Renewable Energy Policy Series: Rules for Siting a Utility Scale Wind Farm in Ohio

    Siting Board as a separate entity housed within the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. The OPSB is ... OPSB is comprised of eleven members including the following: Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Chair ... Director Public engineer appointed by the governor Four legislative members (non-voting) Before a company ...

  4. Herbicide Injury and the Problem of Spray Drift

    Drift North Dakota State Online Publication AE1705 (Revised Oct. 2019) ... Disclaimer: Products and brands mentioned in this publication are listed for information purposes ...

  5. Food Preservation: Salsa—From Garden to Table

    Serrano, Cayenne, Habanero and Tabasco. Use rubber gloves when cutting or dicing these peppers, as they ... skins. Discard seeds and chop. Wear plastic or rubber gloves while handling hot chilies. Tomatillos ... plastic or rubber gloves and do not touch your face while handling or cutting hot peppers. If you do not ...

  6. Joint Economic Development Districts

    Legislative Service Commission 2021). The contracting entities must hold a public hearing after they have ... public inspection: a copy of the JEDD contract, including the economic development plan a map and ... expiration of the public comment period, and upon receipt of petitions supporting the JEDD that are signed by ...

  7. Instructions for Tattooing Rabbits

    between the digits and the rubber backing pad of the tool. The digits must completely penetrate the ear. ... on working with rabbits? Extension Publishing offers this for-sale publication: Rabbit Resource ...

  8. Pharaoh Ant

    dead insects, and even shoe polish. Also, these ants gnaw holes in silk, rayon, and rubber goods. In ... may quickly move the colony to another location. This publication contains pesticide recommendations ...

  9. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2010

    custom work customer to the custom work provider. The custom rates reported in this publication are based ... that the average rates reported in this publication will cover your total costs for performing the ... party. Publications are available that may help in calculating your total costs of performing a given ...

  10. Calibration of Orchard and Vineyard Sprayers

    calibration method explained in this publication is to determine the actual application rate of a sprayer in ... State University Extension publication (FABE-534) " Selecting the Right Type and Size of Nozzles ... University Extension publication FABE-520, “ Calibrating Boom Sprayers. ” Other Adjustments Needed for ...
