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  1. Katchova, Partridge and Sheldon Recognized by University as Endowed Chairs

    and the public. The C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban Policy was established in 1995 and was ... a broad-based program focused on research and outreach in the area of international trade and public policy. ...

  2. What Will We Find in Lake Erie This Summer?

    the history of this work on Lake Erie. An afternoon webinar will allow the public to participate ...  or 614-937-0072 to register. Lunch will be provided for registered participants. The public ...

  3. New book looks at 'Memories and Milestones of OSU Extension'

    Ohio State University Extension is commemorating the milestone with the release of a new publication ...

  4. ATI dedicates new beef cattle handling facility

    which showcased the Temple Grandin-designed facility to the public for the first time.  Providing backup ...

  5. National Expenditures on Local Amenities

    generated by implicit expenditures on nonmarket amenities such as climate, public goods, urban ... public and RSVPs are not required. If you have any questions, please contact us.  ...

  6. Analysis: Ohio’s School Choice Programs Growing, Deserve Public’s Attention

    — reaching more than $1.5 billion in 2014-15 — deserves a much wider public discussion than it’s currently ... are an economic presence in the region. “When you shift spending from a traditional public school or ... students in 2014-15 attending a public school in a district other than the one to which they were assigned, ...

  7. Graduate/Professional Student Orientation & Networking Reception

    and open to the public. Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments available.   ...

  8. National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning

    community, the larger community, including public service. The themes examine, through participant discourse, ...

  9. Graduate Studies in AEDE Creates Career Path Focus

    my PhD class in Welfare Economics and Public Policy, and of all the students that year – he was the ...

  10. European Commission Selects Alessandra Faggian as a Judge for the European Capital of Innovation 2014 Contest

    connecting citizens, public organisations, academia, and business.” With 7 out of 10 Europeans now living in ... education. Her publications cover a wide range of topics including migration, human capital, labor markets, ... creativity and local innovation and growth. She has co-authored more than 50 academic publications. She is ...
