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  1. Speakers and Panelists

    publication and review process  NARSC Keynote Speaker: Philip McCann, Ph.D. Professor Philip McCann holds The ... public services to county governments across the nation and the impacts on the well-being of their ... Economics, Demography, Labour Economics and Economics of Education. Her publications cover a wide range of ...

  2. SÕL-CON: The Brown and Black Comix Expo Opening Reception

    workshops, academic panels Hale Hall, Ohio State Campus   Open to the public ...

  3. TWEL Evan Wilson Thesis

    only inform management decisions on how to handle conflicts, but educating the public about causes of ...

  4. New Research from AEDE Alumnus Bidisha Mandal and Professor Brian Roe Suggests that Women’s Decisions Regarding Stopping Breastfeeding and Returning to the Workplace are Interlinked

    federal, state and private policies to promote breastfeeding.” Additionally, “From a public health policy ...

  5. Dr. Lynn Willett: Recipient of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award

    Willett has authored or co-authored 122 peer-reviewed publications or abstracts and over 66 popular press ...

  6. 2012 Best Doctoral Research Manuscript Awards

    parks are calculated to determine the significance of park amenities on the value of public parks. Park ... Since childhood obesity is a public health crisis, policymakers and school district officials have ...

  7. Old Alumni Page

    & Economics, China Academy of Public Finance & Public Policy, Beijing, China   2005 Ashraf ...

  8. VPC Workshop Schedule

    "Firm-Level Determinants of Participation in EMAS: A Study of German Publicly Listed Companies", Julia ...

  9. Farm Bill Question and Answer Sessions Scheduled for 2014 Farm Science Review

    the Farm: Legal Issues Antibiotic Use and Resistance Fish Farm Profitability Public Health and Animals ...

  10. Surveying the Landscape: Interdisciplinary Research Examines Connection Between Farming and Health of Maumee River Watershed

    This article was originally published in the  Winter 2014 issue  of Twine Line, a publication of ...
