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public rubber

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  1. Spinning food processing waste into ‘gold’

    eggshells and tomato peels sourced from Ohio food producers into fillers in rubber products, partially ...

  2. CFAES is advancing our understanding of wildlife, wildlife habitat, management, and conservation for generations to come.

    changing climate, unsustainable hunting levels, human-wildlife conflicts, and diminishing public support ...

  3. Early Grazing Can Mean Pasture Problems

    This week’s article comes from the Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter. This newsletter is a publication of ...

  4. The Contemporary Relevance of Historic Black Land Loss

    International  and  TRT World  and her research has been written about in several major publication outlets. ...

  5. New Pesticide Applicator Crash Course

    other resources. Study books from the OSU Extension Publications store are available at an additional ...

  6. CFAES Award Recipients from OSU Extension

    the bi-monthly publication, Buckeye Dairy News. Distinguished Early Career Extension Professional ...

  7. Benefits To Adding 4-H In The Schedule

    public speaking. I know that I am one that does not enjoy being up front with a microphone. But has my ... mom has told me ‘Practice makes perfect’! 4-H gives the youth opportunities to practice their public ... about joining 4-H, is another great opportunity for public speaking. Collaborating with a group (there ...

  8. Comprehensive Approach to Food Safety

    though public policy. Prereq: Micrbiol 509 or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 830.10, FdScTe ...

  9. Yellow Pie Plate Research Helps Families Resolve Heirloom Conflict

    maintain privacy by distributing items without public involvement?  My mother has said to me, do NOT have ...

  10. Wonder Woman Wednesdays-Webinar 5- Cathann Kress, Ph.D.

    Agriculture Assembly, Association of Public and Land Grant Universities. Dean Kress graduated with distinction ...
