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public rubber

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  1. FABE Researcher Creates Innovative Medical Gloves

    developed uses rubber from guayule, a shrub native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. ... her team have created uses guayule natural rubber, which does not cause allergic reactions, according ... typically prefer gloves made from natural rubber because they are stronger, provide better protection ...

  2. Mingde Liu

    rubber dandelion, Taraxacum kok-sahgyz (TK), with focus on eradicating the pappus gene so it cannot ...

  3. Grain Storage and Storage Management

    storage articles and publications that deal with temporary grain storage options, general grain storage ... University, published by Progressive Farmer Temporary Grain Storage: North Dakota State University publication ... AE-84 by Kenneth Hellevang Grain Drying: North Dakota State University publication AE-701 by Kenneth ...

  4. Fly Control for Livestock Operations

    some operations, insecticidal ear tags and feed through products.  Below are links to some publications ...  Although some of the publications contain dairy in the title, the information is good and can apply to ...

  5. Kyle Benzle

    understanding and enhancing the biosynthetic pathway for the rubber precursor in Taraxacum kok-sahgyz. ...

  6. Study shows potential for Earth-friendly plastic replacement

    natural rubber with bioplastic in a novel way results in a much stronger replacement for plastic, one that ...

  7. A Rubber Producing Dandelion May Mean a Solution to Deforestation Problems in Asia

    hand!) from rubber trees, mostly in southeast Asia- enough to fill over 5,200 Olympic-sized swimming ...

  8. Seminar Archive

    formed a public-private partnership to identify, manage, and monitor runoff from legacy phosphorus ... Currently, Dr. Martin is leading a $5M USDA-NIFA project to establish a Public-Private Partnership with crop ... Columbus," on water, communities, ecosystems, economics and public health within the City of Columbus. Outside ...

  9. Cornish Joins Panel Charged with Steering Course of Biofuels R&D

    Katrina Cornish, an internationally recognized authority on alternative natural rubber ...

  10. Other

    Increased Yield Geographic variation in natural rubber yields in natural populations of Helianthus annuus ...
