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public rubber

Search results

  1. Prof. Katrina Cornish

    and is the first Ohio Research Scholar to be appointed. She leads a program in alternate rubber ... expert, and is internationally recognized as a principal authority, on alternative natural rubber ... production, properties and products, and on natural rubber biosynthesis. ...

  2. Natural Rubber- US Centric Industrial Crop Innovation for BioEconomy Growth

    The US can support rubber/energy crops the size of corn or soybean with hundreds of thousands of ... new jobs, and the need is pressing, because world rubber demand is expected to grow from 12 million ...

  3. Generation Rx

    Generation Rx Arcanum Public Library Join us for a discussion on safe medication practices for ...

  4. Ohio State researcher creates innovative medical gloves

    allergies. It is made of synthetic rubber compared to Cornish’s glove, which is made of natural rubber ... Attenuation (RA) medical glove Cornish and her team developed uses rubber from guayule, a shrub native to the ... the market, the glove that Cornish and her team have created uses guayule natural rubber, which is ...

  5. Building Legally Resilient Small Businesses: Quick Advice Legal Clinic for Entrepreneurs

    guidance at no cost and attend free public education sessions about common legal questions for businesses. ... Public education sessions will also be held on the following topics:  Educational Session Schedule Time ...

  6. Noted ‘green’ polymer scientist joins CFAES

    top universities globally—ahead of the Sorbonne in Paris.” Eco-friendly rubber and plastic Green ... polymer chemistry, in simple terms, aims to make rubbers, plastics, and similar materials using ... of life for breast cancer patients.”  Rubber from dandelions  Puskas’ expertise also will bolster ...

  7. OSU Extension to teach maple growers how to tap into business planning during Maple Days Dec. 9–10

    Annette Witherspoon General public invited to enjoy three-course, maple syrup-infused buffet and ...

  8. New publications

    Extension has two new publications of interest to farmers, available for order. Spring Frost ... Copies of these and other OSU Extension publications are available through local OSU Extension offices ...

  9. Four CFAES professionals honored by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities

    and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). ...

  10. Pilot Plant, Research Advancements Help Drive Domestic Natural Rubber Project Forward

    a variety of other latex and rubber products. This is nothing new in a town and region historically known ... for rubber manufacturing. What's different about the facility is the source of its natural ... rubber: plants grown in the United States rather than the Southeast Asian trees that currently provide all ...
