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public rubber

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  1. OSU Senate Updates

    circulating for Public Feedback between March 6th to April 8th. These alerts generally come via OnCampus, so ...

  2. SPIN Clubs

    help you improvde your public speaking skills. It begins Tuesday, January 10 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and ...

  3. 4-H Starts Up a New Career

    and served as president of his club and vice president of Junior Fair Board. He competed in public safety ...

  4. Help Requested: Hayes Forum Judges Needed or Session Cancellation Imminent

    facilitates fruitful exchanges between students, faculty, the administration, and the public. This year, ...

  5. Publications, Extension Products, and Courses

    Discover the research publications, 3-D printed extension products and Entomology courses taught this semester. ...

  6. Grants Help 4-H Grow

    for 4-H, introduced a Cloverbud Share Fair and public speaking demonstration to help Cloverbud members ... being awarded one,” said Cole. After the share fair, Cloverbuds were invited to participate in a public ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Foundation History

    3, 1946 Publicity Sub-Committee of the Public Relations Committee Meeting Minutes Executive Committee ...

  8. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Shelley Metz

    in. “I was unexpectedly called on to speak for my group. Growing up, I had never had a fear of public ...

  9. Faces of Ohio 4-H — James Anderson

    since,” Anderson said. 4-H also helped Anderson develop a strong foundation in public speaking, an ... based on public speaking. Without 4-H, I’m not sure where I would be today or if I would have the ...

  10. Soil-ology: Do You Dig It?

    lightweight cloth, such as cheesecloth, to cover the jar opening  rubber band  permanent marker  magnifying lens  ... layers, slowly pour in the ½ cup of water.   Using the rubber band and lightweight cloth, cover the top of ...
