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  1. Show Me the Evidence: New Student Group Focuses on Communicating About Science

    to the public in an informal but impactful way. “The big payoff of this group is seeing students who ... group brought in author and public speaker Kavin Senapathy and social scientist and writer Cami Ryan. In ...

  2. News: Urban Farm Tours Happening Throughout Columbus

    public can tour five of these farms this summer. Sponsored by Franklin County OSU Extension and Columbus ... Westerville. All the tours are free and open to the public. “These five tours have been chosen to highlight ...

  3. Farm Forum Features Tecumseh Land Trust The meeting is open to the public.  ...

  4. College Creates Annual Lecture Series in Honor of Retired OARDC Director Steve Slack

    environment and bioeconomy), which later became the college’s strategic areas; and supporting public ... construction of the Ralph Regula Plant and Animal Agrosecurity Research facility, the state’s only public BSL-3 ...

  5. Zika Virus: is it a threat to Ohioans?

    the public health goal will be twofold: control the mosquito population at large, and also prevent ... public health officials. The fact sheets are found under Communication Resources. The U.S. Food and Drug ... repellents, prevention, and the safety of the blood supply. Public Vector Control Efforts will depend on ...

  6. Free Pumpkin Night Sept. 15 Focuses on Jack-O-Lanterns, Pie and Specialty Pumpkins Among Others

    is free and open to the public and includes refreshments. The deadline to register is Sept. 13. For ...

  7. Backyard Farming

    Paul Ayres at 937-352-6379 or email him at The meeting is open to the public   ...

  8. Lunch & Learn: Cover Crops in Your Garden

    Crops. The program is free and open to the public. As an added bonus to the program, with assistance from ...

  9. Workshop Wednesday- Designing Displays & Public Speaking


  10. Farm Forum October Meeting

    meeting is open to the public and is sponsored by Greene Co. Farm Forum and OSU Ext. Greene Co. ...
