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  1. Ohio State University Researchers Working with Farmers to Protect Ohio Water Quality, Lessen Algal Blooms

    said.   CFAES, OSU Extension and OARDC are crucial partners as farmers work to meet the public ...

  2. Cláudio Vrisman

    Cláudio Vrisman Publications Edilaine Mauricia Gelinski Grabicoski, David de Souza Jaccoud Filho1, ...

  3. OSU Extension Offers Businesses Training, Advice on Renewable Energy Production

    including representatives from Ohio State, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, the Ohio ...

  4. morpc's Summit on Sustainability & the Environment

    climate-related impacts on public health, natural resources and infrastructure.  For more information or to ...

  5. Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC) achievements and impacts 2016

    participants. She will also be collecting data and writing project progress reports, publications, and news ...

  6. 4-H Growing in Urban Communities

    parliamentary procedures, participate in community service projects, and have opportunities to do public ...

  7. TWEL Michael Brasher Dissertation

    documented diel waterfowl use and food availability of public and restored, private wetlands in Ohio, and ...

  8. Benjamin Wickizer's Graduate Defense Seminar

    belief that wildlife possess intrinsic value?   The study found that a majority of the public (69%) holds ...

  9. Ohio State Launches New Housing Learning Community Focused on Sustainability

    programming, additionally guest speakers from the John Glenn School of Public Affairs, the Fisher School of ... (EEDS) program, environmental science, public health, and engineering. For its inaugural year the ...

  10. Can You Trust Green Labels? Find Out Sept. 15

    includes breakfast, is $10 for members of the network and the public and free for Ohio State students. The ...
