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  1. Lake States Fire Science Webinar

    publications, and agency technical reports) on ecological effects of fire in the LSR. I will highlight areas of ...

  2. $500,000 Gift from Dorothy Teater Creates New CFAES Endowment

    Mrs. Teater said.   The Columbus couple devoted most of their adult lives to public service or ...

  3. OARDC To Mark Tornado Anniversary Sept. 16 with Community Recognition, New Building Dedication: Public Invited

    unveiling of a one-of-a-kind research facility in the state. The public is invited to all of the ...

  4. Chow Line: Calorie counts on menus just one step (for 3/20/11)

    commentary in the American Journal of Public Health suggested that creating a healthier food environment so ...

  5. Livestock Industry: May 2 Workshop in Columbus Tackles Ammonia, Nitrogen

    Ammonia emissions have become a significant concern as they impact public health, air quality and ecosystem acidity. ...

  6. Chow Line: Coffee: Fill to the brim for good health (for 6/5/11)

    recent, which you mention, was conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health. Researchers examined data ...

  7. Germplasm Center Reviving Old-Style Petunias

    are not uncommon, but what makes these so special is that they haven’t been in the public eye ...

  8. Students Offer Sustainability Solutions to Mayor Coleman’s Green Team

    core knowledge and skills students need to launch a career in sustainability in the private, public or ...

  9. Exhibit educates public on Ohio’s forest resources

    Building Ohio State:  From Forest to the Renovation of the Thompson Library  was among the most popular exhibits presented by the Ohio State University Libraries, said a library official. On display through May 14, the exhibit examined the past, present a ...

  10. Chow Line: Understanding HDLs can be complex (8/17/12)

    a lot of publicity because its findings were rather startling: After years of advising people to do what ...
