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  1. Pre-Professional & Pre-Veterinary

    Nutritionist Veterinary Ophthalmologist Veterinary Pathologist Veterinary Epidemiologist Veterinary Public Hlth ...

  2. Jeffrey L. Firkins

    Nutrition Dairy Microbiology Nutrition View Publications Burk Dehority Image Library Extending Burk ... Choice: Invited Review: Advances in Rumen Efficiency Date published: 07/30/2021 Publication type: Journal ...

  3. 2023 Summer Program in Population Health will be Held on June 26-29

    and local governmental public health, health care administration and practice, social work, mental and ...

  4. Marissa Mullett

    and marketing, creating and updating internal documents and public-facing materials, and managing ...

  5. Ohio Hunger Dialogues to be Held on Sept. 8-9

    and global communities. The conference is open to the general public; and it will be held on Sept. 8-9 ...

  6. Onsite 4-H School and Afterschool Opportunities

    public speaking experience and knowledge of that topic area. School Enrichment Activities ChickQuest:  ...

  7. May is Mental Health Awareness Month

    educate the public about mental illnesses, the realities of living with these conditions, and strategies ...

  8. Ruminants, Horses, Poultry, and Pigs

    to serve as a hub for leading innovative science and public engagement in the food, agricultural, and ... opportunities to engage students, industry stakeholders, and the public in food production animals (beef cattle, ...

  9. Thoughts from the Director

    start and stop times within an office, if the public office hours are covered and your schedule can be ...

  10. Spring Vegetable Planting

    WHERE:  Grandview Heights Public Library, 1685 West 1st Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212 COST: Free ...
