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public rubber

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  1. Finding the missing dots: An update on Ohio broadband policy

    onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, as the public  health crisis sent shockwaves through our daily lives and ... decades to come.  This accelerated digital revolution requires massive amounts of public funding to ... grants  for public-private partnerships. Facilitation of these funds has eased greatly because of the  ...

  2. A Farm Advisory Team Can Help You Succeed Conducting a SWOT Analysis of Your Agricultural Business, Ohio State University Extension, ...

  3. Annual Public-Private Partnership Meeting

    219 Michael Brooker Monday, December 12, 2022- 10:00am to 1:00pm ...

  4. Ohio State chosen as research home for Starlab’s George Washington Carver Science Park Terrestrial Laboratory

    public-private partnerships in one of the most sought-after space destinations on this planet,” said  John ...

  5. FABE Researcher Creates Innovative Medical Gloves

    developed uses rubber from guayule, a shrub native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. ... her team have created uses guayule natural rubber, which does not cause allergic reactions, according ... typically prefer gloves made from natural rubber because they are stronger, provide better protection ...

  6. Two approaches to reduce food waste: Lessons learned from US EPA sustainable materials management projects in Ohio

    community, save money and improve public health. In this webinar groups funded via US EPA’s Sustainable ...

  7. Line Fence Law

    Line Fence Law Library Our Publications Ohio's Line Fence Law: Frequently Asked Questions- ...

  8. Seminar Archive

    formed a public-private partnership to identify, manage, and monitor runoff from legacy phosphorus ... Currently, Dr. Martin is leading a $5M USDA-NIFA project to establish a Public-Private Partnership with crop ... Columbus," on water, communities, ecosystems, economics and public health within the City of Columbus. Outside ...

  9. Puskas Elected to National Academy of Inventors

    and academic career in rubber technology, developing polymers with multiple applications. She is ... “We were working on a particular rubber, and the beauty of it is that it’s recyclable, so you can melt ...

  10. Martin Named 2021-2022 Distinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    their fields, to their students, to our college, university, and the public,” said Cathann A. Kress, ...
