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  1. OARDC Heirloom Rose Garden, One of Largest in U.S., Holds June 11 Open House

    the largest collections of heirloom roses in the United States, will hold a free public open house ... Also on June 11 in the arboretum is a free public bird walk, 9-11 a.m., led by members of the Greater ...

  2. Using Science to Overcome Partisanship – The Climate Change Example, a talk by Bob Inglis

    Former Congressman Bob Inglis is coming to campus for some public and private meetings concerning ...

  3. Homebuyer's Guide Could Help Prevent Nightmares When Pursuing American Dream

    Extension's new Homebuyer's Guide comes in. The 65-page publication (Bulletin 946) walks would-be buyers ... publication that a person could just pick up and go with," said Nancy Stehulak, Extension educator in ... next 30 years." The publication also helps potential buyers understand amortization schedules, ...

  4. Secrest Arboretum Plant, Art Sale is May 7

    Hours are 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public. The popular event is a plant and art ...

  5. OSU Extension to Hold Gateway Garden Jubilee Field Day, Aug. 1

    Gateway Learning Gardens in Springfield, Ohio on Aug. 1 The public is invited to the Gateway Garden ... to the public. New for this year's event include a children's garden, more than 40 mixed ...

  6. Public to Learn About Floriculture at BioHio

    conducted at Ohio State University. Many of them will be visible for the public at BioHio 2001. The research ... projects are just a small part of a larger tour to educate the public on the importance of the floriculture ... public of the economic importance of the industry, as well as instill an appreciation for the quality of ...

  7. 600+ Students Descend on Campus Friday for Scarlet and Gray Ag Day

    (Columbus Public), Walnut Elementary (Teays Valley), West Broad Elementary (Columbus Public), Westview ...

  8. Use Equipment/Technology to Manage Risk

    improve trafficability on wet soils and reduce compaction. "Rubber tracks can serve the same ...

  9. Ohio State Offers Bioterrorism Course

    beginning Winter Quarter 2006, is designed to cover topics on how terrorism relates to public health, plants ... food and fiber production; public health issues related to diseases, bacteria, viruses and toxins; ... Boehm, plant pathology; Randi Love, public health; Jeffry Lewis, international studies; Mo Saif, OARDC ...

  10. Hort Program Helps Boost Awarness of Plants

    public light. "The original intent of the program was to promote perennials — to bring some ... awareness of the plants to the general public each year. When it was developed in 1990, it was basically the ... it's a program that now others turn to promote and educate the public on perennials." Still, who ...
