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  1. 4-H Prepares Youth to be Engaged Citizens

    initiative, confidence, the ability to speak in public, run a meeting, balance a checkbook, and so much more ...

  2. Leadership Development Programs

    of a productive relationship with citizens and why it is the responsibility of those holding public ... surroundings, techniques that encourage attendance and productive participation, requirements of a public ... meeting and the difference between a public meeting and public hearing. While the focus in on how public ...

  3. Avian Inflenza Update Given these additional findings, anyone involved with poultry – commercial or backyard flocks ...

  4. Farm Management, Rental and Economics Resources

    publication that provides information on the provisions and options within fixed and flexible cash rent ... by the North Central Farm Management Extension Committee. Click on the Lease Publications heading at ...

  5. Master Gardener Volunteers

    questions from the public; conducting plant clinics; gardening activities with children, senior citizens, or ... AmeriFlora '92 brought public interest in horticulture to an all time high. Franklin County Extension ...

  6. Publications Available for Purchase


  7. COVID-19 Measures Accompany Decline of Foodborne Infections

    associated public health measures are impacting the occurrence and recording of other reportable infectious ... in Australia  that found diseases, including foodborne infections, declined after public health ...

  8. Office Closed: Working Remote Effective November 20, 2020

    Franklin County Public Health and Columbus Public Health on November 20 our office has transitioned to ...

  9. Master Gardener Volunteers

    questions from the public; conducting plant clinics; gardening activities with children, senior citizens, or ...

  10. March Update in the Community Garden

    is free and open to the public so bring your friends and your questions. Register here. After ...
