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public rubber

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  1. Lowell (Skip) Nault

    the keystone publication of the ESA. He was also elected as a Fellow of the American Phytopathological ...

  2. Shaohui Wu

    Application No. 63/358,387, filed on July 5, 2022. (Pending) Publications ‪ Shaohui Wu- ‪ Google Scholar Book ...

  3. Poultry Litter Application

    neighbors- 100 feet from a public road- 300 feet from streams, grassed waterways, wells, ponds, or tile ...

  4. James P. Strange, PhD

    James P. Strange, PhD Peer-reviewed Publications- last five years (Students in italics, ... Herndon, USU, MS  2019 Jonathan B. Koch, USU, MS 2011; PhD 2015   Peer-reviewed Publications- last five ...

  5. Dr. Gardiner Wins Innovation and Creativity in Entomology Award

    wildflowers and grasses. The Gardiner Lab has published 72 peer-reviewed publications and been awarded $8.1 ...

  6. CONFERENCE International Elastomer Conference (October 4-7, 2021, Pittsburgh, PA)

    Our group has participated in the International Elastomer Conference organized by the Rubber ... Division of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Puskas gave the plenary lecture titled “Frontiers of Rubber ... Synthesis/Manufacturing” in the Frontiers of Rubber Science: Rubber Synthesis Session co-organized and co-moderated by Dr. ...

  7. Other Outreach Activities

    Walk This free, public event is organized by EGSA and Entomology staff, and is held annually at The ... Diversity opens to the general public for a day of biodiversity exploration and discovery. During the event ...

  8. Creating Sustainable, Designer Domestic Rubber

    of $50,000 for their proposal titled “Creating Sustainable, Designer Domestic Rubber”.The goal of ... changes in both macromolecular structure and physical properties will transfer to rubber dandelion and ... lead to similar changes in rubber macromolecular structure and performance. ward:  $50,000 Funding:  ...

  9. Register for Drainage Field Day

    The event is free and open to the public. Parking will be available off Thayer Road. Maps of the ...

  10. USDA Unveils New Tool to Track Federally Funded Investments

    media and the public can now immediately access, download and save data on all NIFA competitive and ...
