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  1. Sustainable Investing: Decarbonizing portfolios and financing green development

    career in broadcast journalism and public relations. She is a graduate of the former Briarwood College in ...

  2. Elena Irwin honored as Food Systems Leadership Institute Fellow

    Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU).  The Fellows were recognized for their ... change from their current positions.   The FSLI is a program of the Association of Public and Land Grant ...

  3. OSU Economist: GM Crops have had an Impact on Agricultural Productivity, Could Offer Solutions for Global Food Security

    important issue for public debate,” noted Sheldon, who is a professor in the Department of Agricultural, ... agricultural economists Julian Alston and Philip Pardey report in a recent article that public expenditure on ... nutrition research. Meanwhile, developing economies have increased their public expenditure on agricultural ...

  4. The Status and Changing Face of Ohio Agriculture

    the U.S. Census of Agriculture and multiple public sources to understand long-term trends in Ohio. ...

  5. CDC and FDA Are Investigating Several Multistate Outbreaks of E. coli Infections

    CDC, public health and regulatory officials in several states, and the U.S. Food and Drug ...

  6. AEDE grad Ken Davis selected for CFAES Professional Achievement Award

    public an opportunity to meet agricultural professionals and learn how technology is used in modern ...

  7. Connecting, Inspiring, and Growing through Change

    destabilization, the unpredictable and unstable perturbations of a changing climate coupled with persistent public ... situated within a public, land grant university, we emphasize the importance of science and facts to ... traditional forms of networking and interaction. Public health and safety guidelines starting in March 2020 ...

  8. Research

    actively support informed public and private decision-making through inter and cross-disciplinary ...

  9. Measuring the Economic Contribution of Agriculture in Ohio: An Educational and Informative Workshop

    Public Affairs, University of Missouri.  Johnson is Director of Rural Policy Research Institute’s ...

  10. Endowed Programs

    outreach in the area of international trade an public policy. Dr. Ian Sheldon was initially appointed ...
