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  1. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Aug. 2, 2013

    Specter, New Yorker staff writer covering science, technology and public health issues. Registration $100, ...

  2. Program Will Look at Faith and the Environment

    the network and the public. Details and a link to online registration and payment are at ...

  3. National 4-H Week / October 5 – 11, 2014

    many people fear public speaking more than death.  4-H teaches countless life skills used in our ... communities.  The idea of practical and hands-on came from the desire to connect public school education to ...

  4. Forestry

    making more informed decisions regarding stewardship of their acreage. Classes, workshops, publications ...

  5. EEOB Spring Seminar Series

    produced over 200 technical publications and he has edited three books dealing with marine ecology. Dr. ...

  6. The Age of Sustainable Development

        *Please note that this event is free and open to the public. No registration required.       ...

  7. Aug. 11: How One Town Grew from a Flood

    Registration, which includes a full breakfast, is $10 and is open to both members of the network and the public ...

  8. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of April 19, 2014

    Courthouse, 100 Public Square, Somerset. Registration: $20. Pre-registration is required by April 15. ...

  9. Earth’s Biggest Challenges? Ohio State Students to Share Findings Tuesday

    Ohio Union Performance Hall, 1739 N. High St., in Columbus. Admission is free and open to the public ...

  10. 'Plant That Ate the South' Is Here: Poster Tells Public to Watch Out for Kudzu

    Kudzu,  the “plant that ate the South,” is now in Ohio. And experts with Ohio State University's  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences  want people to know it. ...
