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  1. Plant Power: Ohio Naturalist, Author to Speak on Protecting Ecosystems

    ’Round: Why We Must Protect Our Native Ecosystems,” a public breakfast program featuring the Ohio ...

  2. ‘Special type of leader’: McPheron named Ohio State provost

    Agriculture for the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). As dean of CFAES, McPheron ...

  3. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    And everyone, from climate scientists to the general public, receives and processes climate ...

  4. Transitioning Toward a Sustainable World: Role of Sustainability and Converging Technologies

    the most pressing challenges facing the nation and world, help shape sound policies, inform public ...

  5. Got Dead Ash Trees? Two Workshops Slated on Chainsaw Safety

      Dead ash trees often must be cut down for safety reasons, especially around homes or in public places. ...

  6. Donation Launches Ohio State Study of Natural Gas Pipelines’ Impact on Farm Soil

    vice president of public affairs. “We have a long history operating in Ohio and we continue to ...

  7. Pranietha Mudliar's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    natural resources, ever since the publication of Garret Hardin’s 1968 article, ‘Tragedy of the Commons’. ...

  8. Early Publication

    Wednesday Wire is publishing a day early this week due to the Independence Day holiday. We'll resume the regular schedule next week. ...

  9. Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Challenges to Resiliency and Sustainability

    Zoo and Aquarium, Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks, and Ohio Department of Public Safety. For ...

  10. EPN Event Features New Green Columbia Gas HQ

    the network and the public. The cost is $15 if paid by credit card. Find program and parking details ...
