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  1. Publications

    H.A. (2016). Maintaining public goods: The capitalized value of local park renovations. Land Economics, ...

  2. Ohio State Economists Discuss Sustainable Development at Discovery Themes Lecture/COMPAS Conference

    consideration and feature solutions from both the private and public sectors, according to economists from Ohio ... social entrepreneurship and public-private partnerships when meeting the diverse sustainable development ...

  3. Increased Access to Treatment, Improving Economic Opportunity Are Keys to Combating Ohio’s Opioid Crisis

    best practices necessary to tackle a public health and economic challenge of this magnitude.” Another ...

  4. In Memoriam: Warren Lee, AEDE Professor Emeritus

    Farm Credit System, the role of public credit programs, credit scoring and risk rating, as well as tax ...

  5. Ohio State Receives $6.5M Grant for Bioenergy, Biofuel Research

    public-private partnership between The Ohio State University and quasar,” said quasar president Mel Kurtz. "Work related ...

  6. Vinayak Shedekar visits FAO to attend the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon

    GSOC17 website.   Soil Organic C arbon: the hidden potential  The publication was launched at the Global ...

  7. Soil and Water Field Night (Thursday, July 28, 2016) at OSU South Centers

    auditorium. Admission is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required. To register, ...

  8. Do Practice Rounds Bias Experimental Auction Results?

    rounds without price feedback. This event is open to the public and RSVPs are not required. If you have ...

  9. Labor Market Restructuring in Shale Booms

    This event is open to the public and no RSVP is required.  If you have any questions, please contact ...

  10. Farmland As a Multi-Service Resource: Policy Trends and International Comparisons

    There is a distinct public policy trend in the United States and many other post-industrial ...
