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  1. Mr. Thomas S. Stewart

    communication courses such as Public Speaking and Public Relations. He has been awarded the Price Teaching Award ...

  2. EPN Student Spotlight

    connections formed throughout the course. Katie plans to pursue a career in public environmental education ...

  3. Office Closed: Working Remote Effective November 20, 2020

    Franklin County Public Health and Columbus Public Health on November 20 our office has transitioned to ...

  4. 2018 Outstanding Senior Awards Recipients

    a committee member for the Jefferson awards (a prize for public service). Ashlee had many valuable experiences ... International Fraternity; starting the Be The Match program; was a CFAES Ambassador; he worked as the Public ...

  5. Meredith M. Oglesby

    the editor for the AgriNaturalist magazine this year, a publication produced by senior agricultural ...

  6. Hailey A. Snyder

    children and veterans with disabilities and performed outreach to improve public opinion of service animals ...

  7. March Update in the Community Garden

    is free and open to the public so bring your friends and your questions. Register here. After ...

  8. Amber R. Zehringer

    enable her to pursue next steps to a career in public health. Amber wishes to honor Dr. Mary Kay ...

  9. Lauren J. Trapani

    Brands in Columbus, Ohio; a sustainability and public affairs internship with L.L.Bean located in ...

  10. Sustainable Investing: Decarbonizing portfolios and financing green development

    career in broadcast journalism and public relations. She is a graduate of the former Briarwood College in ...
