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  1. Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation Awards Jami Dellifield with First Y Prize for Mental Health Initiatives

    president of public policy for Ohio Farm Bureau. The fund, within the Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation, was ...

  2. Why Should You Calibrate Your Sprayer Even If it has a Rate Controller?

    publication FABE-520 for an easy method to calibrate a boom-type sprayer.  Here is the URL for this ... publication: http://       Drift; spray; pesticide application ...

  3. Earth Day Celebration and Earth Is Our Home Activities

    public and will be livestreamed to a virtual audience. It is a unique opportunity to hear Sophia Buggs ...

  4. DEI Student Spotlight: Amber Cleggett

    to be a food animal veterinarian that works at the intersection of public health and food safety. My ...

  5. DEI Student Spotlight: Amber Cleggett

    to be a food animal veterinarian that works at the intersection of public health and food safety. My ...

  6. Warner On-Farm Research Proposals Being Accepted

    consumption.  Research is intended to identify and publicize sustainable agricultural practices and systems that ...

  7. Sisterlocking Discoarse: Race, Gender, and the Twenty-First-Century Academy – Book Reading on Jan. 19

    public on Jan. 19 from 3:30-4:30pm. Register online to attend. ...

  8. Extension Publishing: 2021 by the Numbers

    professionals. Extension Publishing offered 16 new or revised publications and 76 new or revised fact sheets. The ...

  9. CTTC Update – Masks Optional, Early Bird Registration Through March 1

    University has indicated that masks are now optional in public indoor spaces on the ONU campus which includes ...

  10. Thoughts from Jackie

    our mission and be the ambassadors of our work with the public. They truly are central to our success ...
