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  1. Extension/Outreach

    disease management and public health, enhance product quality and safety, and benefit the environment and ... (traditional and interactive) and a variety of printed publications.  Our faculty and state specialists work ...

  2. Entomology’s Grad Student Association honored with two CFAES awards!

    our graduate students to connect with the public around such opportunities as the COSI Annual Science ...

  3. Ohio Hunger Dialogues to be Held on Sept. 8-9

    and global communities. The conference is open to the general public; and it will be held on Sept. 8-9 ...

  4. Piao Yang

    University, China BS Biological Sciences, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China Publications and ...

  5. Assessment

    global community they will serve. 2. Assessment documents our accountability to the publics we serve. ...

  6. Entomology Major

    beekeeping, veterinary and public health entomology, sustainable agriculture, and integrated pest management ...

  7. May is Mental Health Awareness Month

    educate the public about mental illnesses, the realities of living with these conditions, and strategies ...

  8. Diagnostic Network

    annually.  Timely advice, based on clinic findings, is disseminated to stakeholder groups and the public ...

  9. Early Afternoon Concurrent Session Offerings

    community building and collaborative learning skills. An environmentally focused course offered at a public ...

  10. Conducting Extension Outreach on Controversial Topics Two-Session Webinar – Feb. 28, March 7

    attend live. Overview: Extension work is taking the university to the public. This means that ... occasionally Extension professionals must engage in programming on topics that address controversial public ... uncertainty out of identifying precise roles for Extension in addressing controversial public issues. It will ...
