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public rubber

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  1. Pilot Plant, Research Advancements Help Drive Domestic Natural Rubber Project Forward

    a variety of other latex and rubber products. This is nothing new in a town and region historically known ... for rubber manufacturing. What's different about the facility is the source of its natural ... rubber: plants grown in the United States rather than the Southeast Asian trees that currently provide all ...

  2. OARDC, Ford Partner to Test Russian Dandelion Rubber for Car Parts

    new uses for an alternative source of rubber being developed by scientists at the Ohio ... synthetic rubber used in plastic parts such as cupholders, floor mats and interior trim with natural, ... domestically grown rubber from  Taraxacum kok-saghyz, or TKS-- a plant native to the former Soviet republics ...

  3. Larry Phelan

    Larry Phelan Some recent publications: Kim, Y. N., Basta, N. T., Gardiner, M. M., and Phelan, P. ... 2019. Publications: Oliveira, N.C., Phelan, P.L., Labate, C.A., Cônsoli, F.L. 2022. Non-targeted ...

  4. From the Chair, Jamie Strange, PhD

    in CFAES. Our position will focus on urban insect ecology, specifically with insects of public health ...

  5. Making a Difference through Family and Consumer Sciences

    Student Organization (CTSO) for students in Family and Consumer Sciences education in public and private ...

  6. Graduate Transfer Credit

    (public) university in Ohio or a community college?  When ordering a transcript from your prior school, ...

  7. David Lankitus

    program, a science communication and public outreach program for plant science researchers at OSU, and is ...

  8. Avian Inflenza Update Given these additional findings, anyone involved with poultry – commercial or backyard flocks ...

  9. Future Students

    veterinary and public health entomology, sustainable agriculture, and integrated pest management in ... department provide information to agricultural and industry groups and the general public in Ohio, the U.S. ...

  10. Awards and Honors: Entomology Faculty, Staff, and Students

    Incentive, "Protecting Public Health through Vector Control and Stormwater Treatment: Locating Vulnerabilities in ...
