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public rubber

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  1. CFAES report focuses on ways to expand, enhance rural access to broadband internet in Ohio

    service providers for the public—especially in currently underserved areas. more competition, and, in some ...

  2. Ohio State researching, testing polymer face masks to protect against COVID-19

    comprised of biocompatible rubber composite formed into a fiber mat that can be used to create personal ... a flexible, breathable rubber, that can be made into comfortable-fitting masks. Additionally, it’s water ... breathing. This rubber can also be used in hot, humid conditions as well as in a freezer, can be easily ...

  3. Ohio Victory Gardens Program Kicks Off Third Year; Expands to 42 Counties

    sample kits will be available for free to the public to get people planting. “In the third year of our ...

  4. 2021 Wooster Campus Arts & Crafts Fair

    Fair also provides a great opportunity for student clubs to fundraise! This event is open to the public ...

  5. Edwin Navarro

    Publications under the "Works" tab Research Experience [2017-2019] Undergraduate Researcher- Fungal ...

  6. Farm Income Enhancement Program studies accuracy of agricultural baseline The 2022 baseline projections are published on the USDA Economic Research Service website. Ani ...

  7. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology board of trustees- Cathann A. Kress

    public. The CAST board of trustees, which is composed of 11 members and serves as an advisory board to the ... CAST board of directors, meets at least four times a year to review and discuss project and publication ... impact of the publication and its potential to increase scientific knowledge surrounding a challenge ...

  8. Fellows of the Conference of Research Workers in Animals Diseases (CRWAD)- Dr. Linda Saif and Dr. Mo Saif

    their work, and also their ability to communicate and interpret science to stakeholders and the public ...

  9. Tree University: Investing in Trees for Health, Safety, and Equity

    largest city with over 127,000 public trees. Learn how the City leveraged existing data, community and ... University in both public administration and natural resources. An advocate of data-driven approaches to ...

  10. Wikipedia Editing for Knowledge Equity

    where she teaches business, professional, and technical writing courses that center public writing such ...
