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  1. OSHA Agricultural Operations Webpage

    resources, and publications.  Here is the link to the site:  ...

  2. Harmful Algal Blooms

    monitoring, standards for algal toxins for public beaches and drinking water, and requirements for public ...

  3. Coping with the Pressures of Farming

    Dee Jepsen – State Agricultural Safety and Health Leader A mental wellness publication was ... produced by my colleagues in Ireland. Farm stressors are fairly universal. This publication contains ...

  4. Announcements

    disease, with serious public health and agricultural implications.   This exercise will prompt trainees to ... prepare for trending social media/public panic and to respond to familiar, unfamiliar, suspicious, and ...

  5. Buckeyes Win National Dairy Judging Contest

    University It has been widely publicized that our OSU Dairy Judging Team earned the National Title at World ...

  6. More than 100 farms come together to make Third Annual Agritourism Conference a success

    operations or farm markets, conducted on a farm that allows or invites members of the general public to ... homework and some planning to ensure you are managing the associated risks of having the general public ...

  7. Vinyl Chloride

    depended upon heavily by the rubber, paper, and glass industries. The major sources of vinyl chloride in ...

  8. 1,2-Dichloroethane

    chloroform-like odor. The greatest use of 1,2-dichloroethane is in making chemicals involved in plastics, rubber ...

  9. Ethylbenzene

    making of rubber and plastic wrap. The major source of ethylbenzene in drinking water is discharge from ...

  10. Safe Driving During Harvest Season

    slower-moving farm equipment and passenger vehicles, where the motoring public doesn’t slow down in time before ... traveling on public roads remember:-  Lock brake pedals.-  Adjust mirrors for good vision.-  Make sure that ... traveling on public roads:-  Watch for pot holes or obstacles that could tip your vehicle or your load.-  ...
