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  1. Publications

    Please click on the categories listed on the left to see our publications. ...

  2. Manage Your Money

    complete financial records. This publication includes an action plan, resources, and activities for each ...

  3. American Citizen Planner Program- Informational Webinar May 12

    program provides training in core competencies for volunteer public planning officials. The online ... volunteers interested in land use planning understand the roles and responsibilities of public officials, ...

  4. Bankruptcy

    Bankruptcy Basics Explains in detail the bankruptcy process. From the Public Information Series of the U.S. ...

  5. Whitney Gherman Receives MLK Commission Award

    forefront as a public health issue, and work to build community-led programming on food insecurity, racial ...

  6. CD Wire- January 4, 2021

    / Brooke Beam- HM Periodical Publication: Tory Gabriel, Matthew Smith, Eugene Braig, Christina Dierkes- 1st ... Informed Care Training and hope to utilize the knowledge I gained in the course to the public and the ag ... a publication opportunity from Frontiers. This is a call for articles for a special issue in Frontiers relating ...

  7. Leadership Development Programs

    of a productive relationship with citizens and why it is the responsibility of those holding public ... surroundings, techniques that encourage attendance and productive participation, requirements of a public ... meeting and the difference between a public meeting and public hearing. While the focus in on how public ...

  8. Campus Sustainability Report 2019 Now Available!

    goals. 3. Make water quality every Buckeye’s responsibility. Natural areas with public access were ...

  9. Global Climate Change Updated Fact Sheet on Ohioline

    publication, Blaine examines the history of earth's climate, temperature changes, implications of global ...

  10. Tips for Teens

    Lorrissa Dunfee 11/17/2020 Demonstration and Public Speaking Techniques Katie Cole ...
