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Search results

  1. Dr. Gardiner Wins Innovation and Creativity in Entomology Award

    wildflowers and grasses. The Gardiner Lab has published 72 peer-reviewed publications and been awarded $8.1 ...

  2. Choose to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

    school, at someone else’s home, or in public places? APPLY Name at least one benefit to reducing, reusing, ...

  3. Review Process for OSU Extension Educational Materials

    publication or for presentation at national professional meetings are typically involved in a separate review ... sale through  OSU Extension Publications are considered Department of Extension Educational Materials ... integrity of any educational materials you author or produce for public distribution. Plagiarism and ...

  4. Other Outreach Activities

    Walk This free, public event is organized by EGSA and Entomology staff, and is held annually at The ... Diversity opens to the general public for a day of biodiversity exploration and discovery. During the event ...

  5. Dog Achievement Program Summary Verification

    Fit Health and Safety Public with Your Pup Careers and Canines Portions for Your Pup Create and Relate ...

  6. Register for Drainage Field Day

    The event is free and open to the public. Parking will be available off Thayer Road. Maps of the ...

  7. Our Faculty and Staff in the News

    training for Ohio landowners, students, and the general public about carbon markets, soil carbon, soil ...

  8. 2023 Western Agronomy Field Day

    public and lunch will be provided.  The field day will be held at the Western Ag. Research Station, 7721 ...

  9. Drainage field day at Ohio State Lima campus farm scheduled for July 25

    The event is free and open to the public. Parking will be available off Thayer Road. Maps of the ...

  10. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Dr. Lauren H. Logan

    taught her valuable lessons in public speaking and communication. “I learned how to effectively speak ...
