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  1. That Compost Contains What?

    treatment plants. The corn patch is the public installment of a research collaboration led by  Nick Kawa, ...

  2. Alumni in the news

    Kelly Henderson  BS Landscape Horticulture 2011-  Public service? Officials consider adding farmers to ...

  3. Nancy Bowen, CEcD

    Vitae- Nancy Bowen Publications  Bowen, N. (2015, August 7). Land-Grant Universities and Extension: ...

  4. Campaign Receives a Homecoming Kickoff

    fundraising and volunteerism, kicked off to the public during Homecoming last week, with a goal of raising ...

  5. Aggregating Produce, Sharing Profits- Mansfield, Ohio

    OSU Mansfield invites the public to a workshop focused on moving the urban food production ... workshop will be held in Ovalwood Hall at Ohio State Mansfield on June 9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The public ...

  6. CD Wire- May 18, 2020

    Rural Public Transportation in Ohio (Poster Presentation) We also are proud to announce that some of our ... of informed conversations with policymakers, influencers, and public sector professionals by the John ... Glenn College of Public Affairs. Episode 4 is hosted by Glenn College Professor Ned Hill and ...

  7. Myra Moss

    Use Planning Sustainable Entrepreneurship curriculum vitae Curriculum Vitae- Myra Moss Publications ... community planning. It is intended for local leaders, public officials and citizens so that they can use ...

  8. ATI recruitment publication wins award

    Materials Division- Specialty Items/Give-aways" category of the Projects and Publications awards.   ... publication here, or stop by the admissions office and see it in person!   ...

  9. Ribbon-Cutting Commemorates a New Anchor for Waterman

    lab, and a rooftop garden, at the private reception Nov. 15. A public celebration is planned for the ...

  10. #LeanOnYourLandGrant in a Crisis

    best of friends in 2019.  This-- coupled with recent public policy issues-- has compounded struggles ...
